Wink, Squint and Appreciate 天草スケッチinさきつは極寒の中で

Wink, Squint and Appreciate (天草スケッチinさきつ)のワークショップは14名の参加者さんと、地元の方の多方面のご協力と、天草のスケッチグループのチームワークのおかげで無事に開催することができました。ものすごく寒くなり、参加者さんの体調がとても気になった現場でしたが、寒さを忘れるほど夢中になる瞬間があったと話してくださった方や、寝袋を用意されてスケッチに挑んだ方までいて、みなさんが盛り立ててくださって、とてもいい雰囲気の中でさせていただきました。感謝でいっぱいです。ありがとうございました!

We had 14 participants as well as Amakusa sketch group members ( as helping hands) in Workshop in the cold day.Thanks to local community and Amakusa ( USK Japan) members, it turned out to be a blast. One participant says she hasn't felt coldness because she was so deep in sketching, one person brought sleeping bag to keep her warm...I'm thankful about everyone's nice vibration which boosted the ambience so joyful.

天草のスケッチャーのマヤさんに、年内に天草でスケッチワークショップをしに来ませんか?とのお誘いで始まった天草行き。天気予報では行く前日は18℃、行った日が13℃、ワークショップ当日は7℃まで冷え込むと出ていて、屋外での3時間のワークショップを参加者さんが耐えられるのか心配でした。 しかも天草上空はフライトが欠航になる可能性もある荒れた天気で、アーバンスケッチの伝道師にはヤキモキさせられるというプチ試練が用意されていましたが、無事に到着できました。空港でマヤさんと初対面。私がレンタカーで走るのは無理だと泣きついたので、その日からマヤさんがお抱えドライバーのようにあちこち乗せていってくれることになりました。マヤさんも移住したばかりでiPhoneのナビアプリを頼りにしてのドライブ、本当にありがとうございまいた!

The weather forecast said temperture will drop drastically. I wondered if the participants could endure such cold temperture during three-hour workshop period. The flight might have been canceled if the sky above Amakusa airport have had harsh condition. Luckily the airplane arrived safely in the airport, so I finally was able to meet Maya-san in person! Special thanks to Maya- san for driving everyday since then, as well as all the preparations for the event! It was such fun time chatting together endlessly inside the car, at the workshop site, in the restaurant during whole hours.

That day I had dinner at Maya -san's home! What a special meal she prepared for me!

Next morning, even I completely ate up this much dishes in the inn!

In the morning, a member of Amakusa sketch group, Mr. Nakasu who owned a yacht, took us for sailing to the bay. I was managed to capture the captain skillfully manuvering his yacht in my sketchbook. A bit rough sea reminded me of missinaries who came from Portugal to spread chrisianity to this region long time ago ... I too had my mission to spread the joy of sketching here..

Then we headed to a restaurant, Blue Garden, which has a splendid ocean view. But this day the wind has been so strong therefore we gave up to approach near the beach. Another fascinating place she took me was a lodge by the ocean. We dreamed about potential of future sketch event to hold at these locations...


Later we went to workshop location for checking, and sketch testing. While we were sketching, it started rainning and a bit snowy. the rain drops gave intersting marks on my sketch which I treasure as a collaboration with the nature of Amakusa.


At the evening, Maya-san, her kids, and I went to a restaurant to eat curry. I had one plate with a lot of tiny oysters. This is so tasty.


Then we went to a cafeteria called Rain, where we had Drink and Draw like session with junior highschool students ( including Maya-san's kids) who were not be able to join the workshops next day. Thanks to the owner of the shop, she offered the space for free of charge. These kids were terrific! So nice and pure, and so well understood what I meant. I recognized that wearing mask while speaking made me feel suffocated.

Wink Squint and Appreciate 天草スケッチinさきつワークショップ当日


Next day, the morning session of the workshop began. I was so thankful that we had sunlight ocasionally. People concentrated on listening what I say, carefully measured the relative ratio by closing one eye while using the rear end of a pencil as a measuring device, and squinted to see relative tonal balance...

For lunch, Amakusa tean ordered this gorgeous boxed lunch from a local Sushi shop!

In the afternoon, it got cloudy, rainy, and colder. So we decided to evacuate in a warm building where we still be able to see the top of the church through the window. I changed the contents of the workshop a bit since we were not allowed to use watercolor pigments inside the building. Therefore, first half time I emphasized teaching how to compose the view into sketchbook, how to measure relative ratio, and how to draw correctly angled lines after measuring. Then second half time, we went outside terrace, I gave watercoloring demo more in detail, and then we went bach inside the building, I showed my old sketchbooks to everyone, and I answered questions whenever they had any.

やってみれば駆け足のワークショップでしたが、Wink, Squint and Appreciateのフレーズがprayerのように記憶の片隅に残って、どこかで絵を描くときに手助けになったらなと思います。さらに、描くだけでなく、描いたスケッチをシェアして、自分自身も、見る誰かも楽しむことのできるのがアーバンスケッチの真骨頂ですから、作品を通じてUrban Sketchingの世界を知っていただけたらと思います。Show the world one drawing at a time、です。

After all, one day workshops went by so quickly. I hope the phrase "Wink, Squint and Appreciate" may remain people's memory like a prayer, and it serve as a helping hand whenever they draw, when they need. Moreover, I hope people also enjoy appreciating sketches of their own as well as others through sharing them in Urban Sketching community. That's the spirit of Urban Sketching! I'm sure that team Amakusa will come up with really fun sketch events in the future. Because there they have great locations, connections, and ideas!


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