Sketches from the Year-End and New Year Holiday 2021-2022 / 年末年始に描いたスケッチ
2021 was the busiest year for me. What I hate about being busy is that it undermines creativity. Overwork does not only cause decreased time of drawing, but also diminishes the ability of appreciating art. I was uninspired for the last few months. So, I decided to spend time winding down and immersing myself in drawing during the year-end and New Year holiday. Here are some of the results. 2021年は思いがけず本業に忙殺される一年になりました。忙しくなると嫌なのは、自分のクリエイティブな面がすり潰されていくこと。単純に描く時間が減るだけではなく、アートを楽しむ心の余裕や気力が削がれてしまうのです。そんなわけでここ数ヶ月は仕事の記憶しかなかったのですが、年末年始の休暇はしっかり休んで絵を楽しむことにしました。いくつか描いたものをシェアします。 December 31 (New Year's Eve) I sketched a quiet back alley near Funabashi Station, which was busy with people out for shopping. I was also there to run errands, but squeezed in time to sketch. It was too cold to draw outside though... I think the simple ballpoint lines kind of match the bleakness of a cloudy winter day. 買い物に出かける人たちで混み合う船橋駅の裏側は、表の賑わいとは打って変わってもの静か。わたしも年末の買い出しで来ていましたが、スケッチする時間がとれました。とはいえ、この日は外で描くには寒すぎた……...