【告知】下町スケッチ@柴又 / [Announcement] Sketch Retro Townscapes in Shibamata, Tokyo

集合場所:京成線柴又駅 日時:4/13(土)11時 Meeting Place: Shibamata Station of Keisei Kanamachi Line Date & Time: 11am, April 13 (Sat) https://www.facebook.com/events/284773525793181/ 月例スケッチ会の一週前になるのですが、ちょうど海外から何名か来られるのできちんとスケッチ会のアナウンスを出すことにしました。下町風情の残る葛飾柴又を歩いてスケッチしましょう!ブログのコメント欄が機能していないので、ご面倒ですが上記FacebookかInstagram@uskjapanから連絡をとってください。 Let's explore Shibamata, an old neighborhood in Tokyo and sketch nostalgic townscapes. The area has a bunch of charms such as Shibamata Taishakuten Temple and the shopping street that leads up to the temple and is filled with traditional Japanese snack stalls. The comment box of this blog doesn't work. So please contact us through our Facebook (linked above) or instagram @uskjapan. If you're curious to know more about Shibamata, p lease check out the link below . https://www.gotokyo.org/en/destinations/northern-tokyo/shibamata/index.html The credit of the pics goes to Casey-san as always.