アーバンスケッチャーとスケッチブック / How Urban Sketchers Pick & Customize Sketchbooks
The idea of this blog post came from when I saw the sketchbooks of an Australian urban sketcher Michael, who sketched a lot in Tokyo for the past two months. I was impressed by the way he uses them and wanted to share it in this blog.
If you are an urban sketcher, probably you go everywhere with your sketchbook ー sketchbooks are our best friend. Since they are a big part of sketchers' life, what kind of book one chooses and how one uses it may really vary depending on the preference and style. So, for this article, I asked Michael and three USkJ members to write about sketchbooks and themselves. I only told them the concept of the article and all of them wrote in different styles, which I think is so urban sketchers. The text is long, but it's a good chance to peek into the relationships between sketchers I (and many of you too, I guess) admire and their buddies.
久美さん Kumi-san, admin of Urban Sketchers Japan
Kumi-san's USkJ blog articles
I basically have no particular preference about sketchbooks as long as they are OK with my way of expressions (watercolor and ballpoints are the most frequently used materials). So, I often dare try different types of sketchbooks to see how the result will become... It is , for me, just like hanging around different friends. You’ll enjoy each and every occasion to have new friends, right?
主に使ってきたのは、1、USKのSymposium でスポンサーからのギフトとして頂いたスケッチブック
There are mainly three ways I encounter new sketchbooks. 1, sketchbooks that are given from Symposiums I attended.
2, sketchbooks that are given by sketchers from overseas as souvenir.
3、自分で買うのはハンディなハガキサイズのmuseはコンパクトに携えて、現場で何枚か並べてパノラミックな作品作りにつかえます。マルマンのArt spiralシリーズも薄くて軽いので鞄に入れ常に携帯できます。ちょっと気合いを入れて描くぞと言う時はMOLESKIN のA4サイズのパノラミックを持って出かけます。
3, some of my choices.
Postcard size 20 sheet book is handy to carry, when to arrive your sketch location, you can place some sheets to make long customized panoramic format.
2, Art spiral series is also handy to carry since it is thin and light, good for watercolor use. I often put it in my bag whenever I go out.
3, When to sketch super seriously and motivated, I bring MOLESKINE A4 size panoramic one.
3, some of my choices.
Postcard size 20 sheet book is handy to carry, when to arrive your sketch location, you can place some sheets to make long customized panoramic format.
2, Art spiral series is also handy to carry since it is thin and light, good for watercolor use. I often put it in my bag whenever I go out.
3, When to sketch super seriously and motivated, I bring MOLESKINE A4 size panoramic one.
Kumi-san enjoys trying out different types of sketchbooks and seeing how they work for her. I think it's so Kumi-san, who always creates wonderful sketches in various styles with supplies available at the time. Speaking of a panorama format made by binding small sheets of paper, which she mentioned, I’ll write more about it below because other sketchers do the same.
Shinさん Shin-san
Shin-san's USkJ blog articles
Shin-san's Instagram
スケッチブックに対するコダワリは実はそんなに無くて、条件としては裏抜けしないという点が一番。あとはリングよりブックタイプの物が好きかな。あとはポートレイトよりランドスケープ型のほうが好み。今までMoleskine、ファブリアーノ、キャンソンアートブックなんかを使いましたが、個人的なお気に入りはStillman & Birn(アルファシリーズ)かな?
Shin-san also has tried various sketchbooks, but unlike Kumi-san, who just enjoys different results each time, it seems he's been seeking a sketchbook that helps get a result he wants and makes sketching more enjoyable. He picks up two sketchbooks he's ever liked ー Stillman & Birn and Canson XL Watercolor. There are different aspects considered in choosing a sketchbook, such as the quality of paper and binding types. But if you find a right one that works out for you, sketching becomes much more fun. Canson XL, which is Shin-san's current favorite, is also recommended by Michael. I'll introduce their Drink&Draw sketches made in the Canson sketchbooks afterwards.
鳥海さん Casey-san
鳥海さん Casey-san
Casey-san sent me the material in slides, so I cut out the text and pasted it here.
<My style>
• Sketch daily, average 5 sketches a day
• On the streets, on the train
• Quick sketch
• Pen & Ink and watercolors
<Sketchbooks I have>
<My style>
• Sketch daily, average 5 sketches a day
• On the streets, on the train
• Quick sketch
• Pen & Ink and watercolors
<Sketchbooks I have>
vif Art SM rough
• Good enough for watercolors
• Good size to fit in the camera bag
• Good enough for watercolors
• Good size to fit in the camera bag
Daiso sketchbook
• Reasonable price 100 Yen
• SM size, 70 sheets
• Post card size, 150 sheets
• Not good for watercolor
• But good for a quick sketch
• Reasonable price 100 Yen
• SM size, 70 sheets
• Post card size, 150 sheets
• Not good for watercolor
• But good for a quick sketch
Various postcards
• Good size fit in the pocket
• Various types of papers
• Not so expensive per sheet
• Good size fit in the pocket
• Various types of papers
• Not so expensive per sheet
• Once a month
• Once a month
• Once in a while
• Once in a while
Casey-san goes out to sketch every day and makes five sketches per day on average. So it seems he likes postcards, which don’t take up much space, and low-priced sketchbooks like ones from DAISO (100 yen shop), which don’t cost you too much even if you draw a lot regularly. If you are an urban sketcher, you draw whatever you find interesting in your daily life or where you travel, which means you tend to fill a sketchbook quickly. Then, handiness and price are very important aspects in choosing a book.
皆さんに比べるとスケッチ歴の浅いわたしですが、今のところスケッチブック選びで重要視しているのは「小ぶりであること」と「ハードカバーであること」です。鞄の中がいつもごちゃごちゃぎゅうぎゅうなところに無理くりスケッチブックを押し込んでいるので、A6サイズくらいが持ち運びの限界です。また、リング綴じやソフトカバーだとすぐボロボロにしてしまうので(どんだけ扱いが雑なのか)、ハードカバー必須。リング綴じと違って見開きで描けるから面積も倍になるし。バンド付きならなおよいです。昨年はFabrianoのVenezia Bookを使っていて、紙は良いし、レンガ調のカバーデザインとか可愛くて好きなんですが、バンドなしなのとちょっと開きにくいのが難点。そこで今年はHahnemühleの水彩スケッチブックを買い、さっそく初回の定例スケッチ会で使用しました。ちょっと高いんですが、バンドつきでコンパクトで、紙も描き味がしっかりしていてお気に入りになりそうです。
As for myself, I like small hardbound sketchbooks. Since my bag is always packed with stuff and there is little space for a sketchbook, the A6 size just feels right for me. Also, ring-bound or softcover books easily get damaged in my messy bag. So I only use hardcover these days. Plus, with a hardcover sketchbook, you can draw seamlessly on a two-page spread while a ring-bound book would split the drawing. Last year I used a Fabriano Venezia Book and liked the paper and the brick-like cover design. But it doesn't have a band with it, so I needed to buy one individually. This year I bought a Hahnemühle watercolor sketchbook in A6 and brought it along for the first monthly Urban Sketch Meet-Up in Shibuya. The handy sketchbook comes with a band and the paper is very nice. I'm sure it's gonna be my favorite and excited to fill it.
Finally I'd like to introduce Michael's sketchbooks. I asked him to write about his handmade panorama books and temple signature books filled with sketches. He contributed a passionate text. Thank you, Michael!
Michael's Instagram
Urban sketching is very much a part of my life. I go everywhere with a sketchbook and pen, especially when hiking or travelling overseas. I'm also forever trying to reduce my kit to the bare essentials in order to travel lightly. This is generally why I have, of late, favoured a small A5 landscape style sketchbook with ring binders. A Canson Aquarelle 300 GSM, which Sekaido sells for about 800 yen.
I've always been draw to a landscape format with sketchbooks, and though I sometimes make my own from larger sheets of paper, the ease of a small sketchbook that you can slip in your bag or even in a pocket really trumps. That, and a handful of LAMY fountain pens, UniPin 0.8 and 0.1 and a watercolour kit. This reduced kit means that I often stand to draw, which enables me to explore places and differing angles from which to sketch.
With my work, I'm drawn to a long format, a panorama if you will. Of course, at times, I drawn vertically or just the subject in front of me on a single page. Sometimes, even thumbnail sketches! But while drawing I'm really observing and listening; I enjoy the goings-on in the periphery. Those groups of people to your left or right just off the page...and so I just keep drawing.
This is where a sketchbook that isn't bound can be useful: just tear out and bind a few more pages onto your existing drawing and you can continue indefinitely if you wish. Alternatively, you could use a book already made for this format such as a temple signature book. That's something that I particularly like to do when in Japan.
This panorama style links back to my university days, where I would draw 360-degree drawings with a chisel-point marker pen and ink that sometimes could be over 15 metres long. In rediscovering my love of urban sketching I have been drawn back to this style of viewing the world. And that is generally how I see drawing: a way of viewing and experiencing the world around us. Therefore, I sit or stand and draw it...All the while, listening and watching what happens, noticing the details, the movements, the conversations and happenings; and this is what I try and capture on the page.
Thank you for reading.
スケッチブックを持っていろんなところへ出かけるということで、まず彼のミニマルなスケッチキットーースケッチブック、LAMYのファウンテン・ペン、UniPen(ドローイング・ペン)の0.8ミリ、0.1ミリ、水彩キットーーを紹介してくれました。なかでもgo-toスケッチブックであるCanson XLのA5サイズは、先にも書きましたが、シンさんも最近気に入って使っているもの。これはリング綴じタイプなのですが、マイケルはここから紙をちぎりとって元のスケッチブックに繋げ、どんどん絵を拡大させてパノラマを作り上げていきます。写真の国立科学博物館の動物剥製展示スケッチやブラウンのインクで描かれたHUBのスケッチなんかがそれです。先に紹介しましたが、久美さんも同じように小さな紙を並べて、パノラマ作りをされるそうです。
This is where a sketchbook that isn't bound can be useful: just tear out and bind a few more pages onto your existing drawing and you can continue indefinitely if you wish. Alternatively, you could use a book already made for this format such as a temple signature book. That's something that I particularly like to do when in Japan.
This panorama style links back to my university days, where I would draw 360-degree drawings with a chisel-point marker pen and ink that sometimes could be over 15 metres long. In rediscovering my love of urban sketching I have been drawn back to this style of viewing the world. And that is generally how I see drawing: a way of viewing and experiencing the world around us. Therefore, I sit or stand and draw it...All the while, listening and watching what happens, noticing the details, the movements, the conversations and happenings; and this is what I try and capture on the page.
Thank you for reading.
スケッチブックを持っていろんなところへ出かけるということで、まず彼のミニマルなスケッチキットーースケッチブック、LAMYのファウンテン・ペン、UniPen(ドローイング・ペン)の0.8ミリ、0.1ミリ、水彩キットーーを紹介してくれました。なかでもgo-toスケッチブックであるCanson XLのA5サイズは、先にも書きましたが、シンさんも最近気に入って使っているもの。これはリング綴じタイプなのですが、マイケルはここから紙をちぎりとって元のスケッチブックに繋げ、どんどん絵を拡大させてパノラマを作り上げていきます。写真の国立科学博物館の動物剥製展示スケッチやブラウンのインクで描かれたHUBのスケッチなんかがそれです。先に紹介しましたが、久美さんも同じように小さな紙を並べて、パノラマ作りをされるそうです。
Shin-san's HUB* Drink&Draw sketches inspired by Michael's style
*A Japanese British-pub-inspired bar chain. I'd never call it a "British pub".
*A Japanese British-pub-inspired bar chain. I'd never call it a "British pub".
Those Drink&Draw (sketching while drinking) sketches above capture the jolly and lively vibes because of the original panorama format starting from an ordinary sketchbook format and then expanding to left and right indefinitely. As Michael wrote, he draws in the way he sees a world around him ー observes and listens to what’s going on in the surrounding, enjoys and captures it. Plus, while sketching, time passes and new things happen one after another. He adds them to the existing drawing, so his sketches tell the flow of time, not just a single moment.
Those Drink&Draw (sketching while drinking) sketches above capture the jolly and lively vibes because of the original panorama format starting from an ordinary sketchbook format and then expanding to left and right indefinitely. As Michael wrote, he draws in the way he sees a world around him ー observes and listens to what’s going on in the surrounding, enjoys and captures it. Plus, while sketching, time passes and new things happen one after another. He adds them to the existing drawing, so his sketches tell the flow of time, not just a single moment.
Also Michel enjoys sketching in a Japanese temple signature book when he travels in Japan. It’s made of a very long sheet of paper and you can collect signatures and stamps of temples you visit in the book. So it can be called a panorama book in a way and you can make your original gift by filling it with signatures and your own sketches.
I think I should wrap up the article here since I’ve written too much. I can make this sketchbook intro into a series if there are people who want to read more. So if you have any opinion and suggestion, let me know.
In the end, I’d like to say thank you to the four sketchers who contributed and I hope you enjoyed reading though the text is very long :)
I think I should wrap up the article here since I’ve written too much. I can make this sketchbook intro into a series if there are people who want to read more. So if you have any opinion and suggestion, let me know.
In the end, I’d like to say thank you to the four sketchers who contributed and I hope you enjoyed reading though the text is very long :)
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