Meet Your USkJ Friends Interview: Lavinia

USkJメンバーをインタビュー形式で紹介するシリーズ、Meet Your USkJ Friends。初回のシンさんによるマヤさんの第2回の久美さんによるあつこさん・えりこさんのインタビューは皆さんもう読まれましたか?いずれも各メンバーの個性に触れられる読み応えたっぷりの記事なので、未読の方はぜひチェックしてみてくださいね。
This month we have launched a new blog series, Meet Your USkJ Friends, where we interview USkJ members so that people can know more about them and our group. Have you read the first episode featuring Maya-san (interviewer: Shin-san) and the second one featuring Atsuko-san and Eriko-san (interviewer: Kumi-san)? If not, please check them out:)

For the third episode, I interviewed Lavinia (Nia) from Indonesia. She’s originally an admin for USk Surabaya. She’s been actively involved in the USk community, both locally and internationally, and engaged in workshops/seminars as an instructor. She moved to Japan in 2017 and attended a number of USkJ’s meet-ups last year, when she lived in Tokyo. Now she lives in Yamaguchi, but she’ll show us views and life in there through sketching.

Sketchers sitting on the road

I first met Nia in our monthly meet-up in Ginza in April last year. We sat down on the car-free road in the middle of Ginza and enjoyed sketching. She took this photo there (above) and I love it so much (she’s a good photographer, and even a good storyteller, as well as a sketcher). We are the same generation and soon became good friends. I can talk more about her, but let’s dive into the interview before my writing bores you guys. The interview is quite long, yet very informative. Enjoy:)

1: When did you start sketching? How did you get involved in the USk community?

As far as I could remember living, drawing had always been my love since I was a kid. I spent my childhood in Malang City where I first learned how to hold a pencil. Since then I drew almost on anything, food wraps, tables, tissues, daily wall-calendar's waste. I had always took drawing related clubs along my school years and decided to pursue a design major at university.

I don't quite remember how I got involved in this community, but I do remember when I first heard the term "urban sketching". As a design student, we basically study from Francis DK Ching's books. Exploring more about design presentation through the internet, I found a book titled : Freehand Drawing & Discovery Urban Sketching and Concept Drawing for Designers, authored by James Richards. This book really opened my eyes.
In 2013 I visited the sketch exhibition of LK Bing and Darman Angir. That event brought me to Urban Sketchers Surabaya and I joined their activities since then.
(USk参加の経緯はよく覚えていませんが、初めて「アーバンスケッチ」という言葉を聞いたときのことは覚えています。デザイン学生時代にフランシス・D.K.チンの本を教材に勉強していたのですが、インターネットでデザインについてもっと深く調べているとき、James RichardsのFreehand Drawing & Discovery Urban Sketching and Concept Drawing for Designersという本に出会い、目を開かされました。
2013年にはLK BingとDarman Angirのスケッチ展に行き、それからUrban Sketchers Surabayaの活動に加わるようになりました。)
My first urban sketching with Urban Sketchers Surabaya (2014)

Sketchwalk with Urban Sketchers Surabaya (2015)

Sketchwalk with Urban Sketchers Surabaya (2015)

Sketchwalk with Urban Sketchers Surabaya (2016)

Sketchwalk with Urban Sketchers Surabaya (2016)

In 2017 I moved to Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan for work. LK Bing told me to contact Kumi Matsukawa for local chapter, but not until 2018 that I finally met Urban Sketchers Japan in Tokyo.
(2017年に仕事のため山口県に移住し、LK Bingに日本チャプターの松川久美さんに連絡するよう教えられ、2018年に東京でやっとUSk Japanに参加しました。)
First sketchwalk with Urban Sketchers Japan

2: What do you like to sketch (people, architecture, nature, etc.)? 

I like to sketch what I feel like. I also sketch to share, as I realize that not everyone has the opportunity to travel or see what I see. So I do not limit my sketch into certain categories. Most of the time I start from the point that tells more visual story. It can start from the culture, architecture, nature, then everything else will follow with the flow.

My design research sketch for a closed school

Sketching Japanese monkeys (my dream comes true!)

My Sketch colored with coffee waste for #usktalkschallenge
My Sketch with Rattan stick and sumi ink
My Sketch with satay stick and sumi ink

3: Show us your favorite sketch done in Japan and tell us about it.

My favorite sketch is this one in Monzen Nakacho, Tokyo. It was on a sketchwalk with Urban Sketchers Japan and Rob Sketcherman from Hongkong in February 2020. People were busy preparing for a matsuri or Japanese cultural festival of Setsubun, which is the day before the beginning of spring in Japan. I generally like sketches because they bring me to the moment. For example, seeing this one brought me back to the nice spring breeze of that day, the good smells from surrounding food stalls mixed with the temple incense burning away, and the bustling noise of festival preparation. I like to call this "my comeback sketch" because it was my first time restarting sketching using my long-lost style (pen plus watercolor), after approximately 2 years away from it. I was using both sides of a handmade A4 sketchbook from a friend and whatever pens I had in my pocket that day.
(お気に入りは東京・門前仲町で描いたこのスケッチです。今年2月にUSkJと香港のRob Sketchermanと行ったスケッチウォークのときのもの。節分行事の用意でみんな慌ただしくしていました。わたしがスケッチを好きな理由は、その瞬間に連れていってくれるからなのですが、例えばこのスケッチを見ていると、その日の気持ちいい春めいた風や、寺社のお香と混じりあった屋台から漏れる食べもののいい匂い、行事の準備の忙しなさを思い出させてくれます。また、わたしはこれをカムバック・スケッチと呼んでいて、というのもこれは2年近く離れていた、かつての自分のスタイル(ペンと水彩)で描いたものだからです。友だちがくれた手づくりのA4スケッチブックとその日ポケットに入っていたペンを使っています。)
Monzen Nakacho, Japan

4: Name your favorite sketcher(s) if any. 

Yes I have, though I would prefer calling them as my inspiration, rather than my favorite sketcher(s), because there is always something different to learn from everyone.

First is James Richards. I love Jim's sketches because they make me feel as if I were there for real. His sketches are quick, clean, informative and fun to see. I personally look up to Jim as he is a sketcher, a teacher and a writer altogether; all my dreams into one life. We have never met for real, but thanks to USk community for getting us connected. Earlier this year, following my #uskselfintro, Jim sent me a signed copy of his book, it means a lot!
一人目はJames Richardsで、自分もその場にいたかのように感じさせてくれる彼のスケッチが好きです。彼のスケッチはクイックで、わかりやすく、情報に富んでいて、見ていて楽しいです。わたしは個人的に彼をスケッチャーとして、師として、またライターとして尊敬しています。実際に会ったことはないのですが、USkのおかげでつながることができました。今年#uskselfintro(今年4月にUrban SketchersのFBグループで行われたメンバー各自が自己紹介する企画)をきっかけに、Jamesがサイン入りの本を送ってくれたのです!)

A signed copy from James Richards

A signed copy from James Richards

Second is LK Bing.
His early sketches that I love are of the Old Town Surabaya area (Indonesian = Kawasan Kota Lama Surabaya). He sketched quickly, simply with cheap pens, water soluble markers, and brush. (For reference: 1 & 2)
He even let us, students, use his studio and sketching tools. I learn that the best sketch can be made by even the simplest tools possible. Later on, I was trusted as Regional Administrator of Urban Sketchers Surabaya and as a workshop instructor in USk 10 years X 10 classes Surabaya chapter. He made me believe that every sketcher can be a teacher.
(二人目はLK Bingです。
彼はわたしたち生徒にも自分のスタジオやスケッチ道具を使わせてくれました。単純な道具でもすばらしいスケッチは描けるということを学びました。その後、わたしはUrban Sketchers Surabayaのアドミンになり、USk 10 x 10(というワークショップのプログラム)のインストラクターを任されました。どんなスケッチャーも先生になれると信じさせてくれたのはLK Bingでした。)
LK Bing and me in his studio

I got inspired by these two contrast styles while enjoying my own style. But one essential thing I learned from both of them, spontaneity.

5: Show us your sketch kit (sketchbook, pen, watercolor, etc.)

SCHMINCKE Akademie Watercolor 1/2 Pan Set x 12.

Waterproof pen(s)/耐水性ペン: 
Fountain pen Tachikawa Linemarker A.T | ink: black.

Water soluble pen(s)/水溶性ペン:
Papermate flair M | ink: black.
Pentel Sign Pen | ink: black.
Tradio Pulaman TRJ50 pen | ink: black.
Fountain pen Pilot Piera | ink: blue black.

Ink brush/筆ペン: 
Kuretake | size medium | ink: black.
Water brush/水筆: 
Kuretake | Size big and medium.

My tools

Sketch book/スケッチブック: 
Holbein Clester Watercolor Paper | 310 gr | cold press | size 230 mm x 175 mm.
Montval Canson | 300 gr | size F1, F2.
Generally I sketch on anything; but for watercolor paper, preferably at least 300 gr.

My "sketch" books

My main sketch books

6: What has urban sketch brought to your life?

Freedom, peace and friendship. Urban sketching allows me to be free, be in peace with myself and my surrounding. Urban sketch allows me to discover new things and experience life deeper. It is an unbelievable feeling to find so many like-minded friends, locally and globally. Literally wherever I go, urban sketchers are always around the corner.

7: I love how bold and quick your pen/brush strokes are. What should we keep in mind to draw boldly?

My advice would be to sketch for the fun of it. I am not afraid because I believe there is no mistake in sketching. Just start from today, draw even the most mundane view, with whatever tools you have. Keep being inspired, but not intimidated by other sketchers style. Because in the end, the best style for you is your own style.

My latest "urban" sketch in rural Japan

Here’s the interview with Nia. I really appreciate her for answering all the questions in detail and preparing all those photos and materials. I believe her sharing is helpful, inspiring, and fun for you all to read. I’m already working on another interview with another sketcher from Asia and the same generation as well. Also, interviews by other contributors will be up soon. So, stay tuned for future posts! Thanks for reading:)


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