What is urban sketching (for me, so far)? / 2018年、アーバンスケッチを始めて

"What is urban sketching?" When I talked with some USkJ members the other day, this topic was discussed. Urban Sketchers has clearly stated the manifesto . But beyond that, everyone can have their own definition. 「アーバンスケッチとは?」 先日USkJの皆さんとお話していて、この話題が出ました。公式の マニフェスト がありますが、定義は人それぞれ異なると思います。 For me, so far, it's about journaling and sharing. 今のところわたしにとっては、ジャーナル、そしてシェアすることです。 Meetup at Kyu-Furukawa Garden, which I first joined on a super hot day. 初めて参加した旧古河庭園でのスケッチ会。めちゃくちゃ暑かった。。 I'm a very new sketcher ー I just started this year. Before that, I didn't go out to sketch or draw from direct observation really much. I just drew for fun sometimes. I didn't aspire to be an artist or have formal art education. But I was looking for a community where I could enjoy and share art with others. Then I found Urban Sketchers. It seemed perfect to me ー anyone can join the community casually through the internet and they have local branches around the world (b...